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New Feature in The Islander!

We wanted to share our latest press feature with The Islander for their March issue. Please click below for an update on what we’re up to, why we think there is more of a need than ever for changes to the charter norm, and some snapshots of our favourite destinations.
Read now to learn why Todd wanted to start OceanScape Yachts. Where he found the desire and need to create a more intimate platform offering the unrivalled experience of luxury yachting to even more people around the world.
As Todd is quoted, “Our mission statement is: OceanScape Yachts is the world’s first vacation club dedicated to bringing the unparalleled experience of yachting to travellers worldwide. This unique community combines concierge travel planning with traveller camaraderie to make planning your next holiday completely worry-free.”
magazine screenshot

As Todd discusses with Simon: “We make it easier for potential new people attempting to enter the industry for the first time(and maybe even get turned off before really entering) to get the information they need. We are helping those people who don’t have time or energy to properly research and plan a trip – saving them time and aggravation. Someone can come to us, tell us a bit about their needs – how many guests, location and time of year, then we are the ones who go out, get all the info (whether that is through one of our trusted yacht partners, or a further referral from them), then present them the options. We lay out plainly all hidden costs and fees, the charter agreement, how to get to and from their meeting location to get onboard, etc. We are trying to make the entire charter process as seamless and painless as possible – especially for those who are completely new to this industry.”

For even more tidbits like the above, please check out the full article now!

The Islander has been in publication since 1997 and remains the only English monthly magazine dedicated to yachting matters within the Western Med and beyond.

Please click here for the full interview with Managing Editor, Simon Relph.

Thanks again for this opportunity Simon!
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