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Check out our feature with Travel Weekly!


I hope your week is off to a good start! We are going through a VERY cold snap (-44 with the windchill at its worst!) over here in Ontario, Canada. So I have been spending a lot of time looking at photos of the Bahamas for an upcoming vacation in February (it cannot come fast enough!) Speaking of daydreaming, we absolutely love this feature we received from Jeri Clausing over at Travel Weekly discussing the excellent alternative to cruising (a yacht charter of course!)

screenshot of Travel Weekly article with yacht in background

Travel Weekly is one of the most trusted publications with over 60 years in the business. Read on for this snippet from the interview with Jeri:

“Thinking that a private yacht trip would be much more enjoyable than vacationing with 4,000 other people, [Todd] set out to investigate.

“I started to do the research, trying to figure out what to book, who to book with, what people would need in terms of whether eight people could go on vacation on 50-foot, 80-foot or 100-foot yacht,” he said. “It took the better part of the first year to put together the first trip. It turned out quite well, but the process could have been easier.”

More than three years and four yacht vacations later, he is ready to share his expertise with agents and travelers through his startup OceanScape Yachts, which puts together vacations that check all the boxes for that growing group of travelers looking for personalized, authentic, small-group, luxury cruising options.”

Please click here for our feature with the team, and check out our other press here!

Thanks again for this opportunity Travel Weekly!
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